Living Beyond Limits

“If you had the time, space, and energy to do and be anything you choose what would your life look like?”

Would it be very different from now? Or would your life look very much the same, just different in terms of how you feel living it?

As I ask this of you, I also ask it of myself. For a start how often do I pause to consider such a probing question? How often do I stop to take a breath, as in one I actually mean to take?

Life can feel pretty relentless, amongst the tumble and roll and endless motion of it all.  We struggle to be mindful. We’re busy ‘doing’, rather than being. So, to ask a question about what we WANT seems pretty far out there.

But what if, for just a moment, we recognised ourselves as the sentient beings we came here to be?  In that picture I see us bursting with pure radiant energy. I see us naturally expressing that energy in infinitely creative ways, making meaningful contributions to the world at large.

And it’s all so easy! Time isn’t an issue. We know our value. We feel a sense of belonging. We are fulfilled. Rewards are effortless.

Most days I admit this feels like I am describing a utopian state, rather than anything resembling the norm. Yet, we all have the ability to remember the larger truth about what we’re doing here.

It might feel like ‘work hard – eat – sleep – repeat’, but if we pause for just a moment it is possible to remember that there is more to us. To remember that version of us that knows how to live beyond limits.

Can we be brave enough to pause….. breathe…… and take a peak at life beyond whatever is currently limiting?  And before the voice in our head cuts in and damns our vision as ‘unrealistic’ , ‘ridiculous’, ‘a pipe-dream’, ‘impossible’, let’s stay with our vision just a moment longer and breathe it in…..

I choose to believe this is who we really are: limitless beings, living our lives from the inside where we are secure in the knowledge that we have much to contribute and the time, space and energy to do just that.

If you’re dealing with restrictions, or have reached a point where you know you want more out of life, tell me more.

Claire is a Transformational Therapist with over 25 years experience helping people overcome obstacles and fulfil their potential.

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